Unlimited Sales Intelligence
We know how annoying it is to run into usage caps, paying per seat, or get surprise charges for essential software for running your business. That’s why all Next Big Shop plans are unrestricted – once you’re in, there’s no limit to what you can do.
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$3,588 per year
Running a data driven business? Get ongoing access at our lowest overall price.
As an early stage startup, Shop Lists are empowering us to identify potential new customers quickly. Next Big Shop is making us more resourceful, and helping us get to PMF faster.
Kelly, CEO of Smartsy.aiKelly, CEO of Smartsy.ai
What you'll get
What are you waiting for?Get started for as low as $129 per week
Best forBrands
per week
Just curious? Get into Next Big Shop for a week or two and see sales data for any shop + more.
Best forStartups
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Building lists and researching prospects? Access everything you need.
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Best forInvestors & High Growth
per month
$3,588 per year
Running a data driven business? Get ongoing access at our lowest overall price.
NBS is a massive jet engine for Packsmith when it comes to identifying, understanding, and closing the best new customers across the e-commerce landscape.
Ben, CEO of PacksmithBen, CEO of Packsmith
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